In retrospect, I have to say this was a day of mistakes that ended badly.
To begin ....
This morning's run was scheduled to begin at 7:00. When I arrived at the starting site at 6:40, it was 72 degrees, 91% humidity, with light rain. Peeps were gathering and talking about an email our head coach had sent to all the pace group leaders this week. I had not seen it; but, apparently, the head coach came down VERY hard on all the group leaders about following the correct pace. He had heard some complaints during the week about paces being pushed too fast last Saturday.
Anyway, I went over to my assigned pace group to sign in (I am on their roster). The pace group leader was there talking about how today's run would be run at exactly 15 min/mile; no faster. Then the head coach spoke to all of us before we got started and said that he had emailed all the pace group leaders during the week and told each group what their pace needed to be. He went on to say that everyone should feel comfortable running in their correct group.
Mistake #1 - After the assurances, I decided to run with my assigned group. Yes, this is the group that pushed the pace too hard last Saturday.
This morning's route was a bridges run (3 bridges) early on bringing us back to our starting point at mile 5. There we would drop off the half-marathoners, then continue on for another 13. I rationalized that IF my group could not stick to the pace for the 1st 5 miles, I could ditch them at mile 5 and drop back to a slower group. Oh, and as we started, the light rain became a pouring rain.
First 5 miles:
1 ..........14:21 (not bad!)
2 ..........12:37 (here we go again)
3 ..........14:28 (this INCLUDES a 2 min water stop because the leaders of this group believe all stops are figured into the TOTAL pace. So, actual pace was 12:28)
4 ..........14:44 (yay!)
5 ..........13:46 (whatever)
At this point we were back at the parking lot to drop off the half marathoners. I looked for the slower pace group; but, they were nowhere to be seen.
Mistake #2 - I stayed with my assigned group.
6 ........15:03 (2 min in parking lot to drop off peeps and get water - actual pace 13:03)
7 ........14:13
8 ........16:57 (potty stop for many in the group - didn't stop the time; and, I don't know the actual pace here)
9 ........15:29 (I made a port-a-potty stop; kept watch running)
Mistake #3 - I ran hard to catch up with the group after the potty stop. Too hard. I am not discussing the pace.
By now the rain had ended, the sun was out strong, and the temp had soared into the 80's.
10 .......15:01 (water stop of 1 min - actual pace 14:01)
11 .......14:30
12 .......14:19 (at this point I was feeling light-headed, dizzy, and DONE)
13 .......14:39 ( a really weird thing happened - I started getting chills and actual goosebumps when I was in direct sun)
Mistake #4 - I KNEW that this was an early sign of heat exhaustion. I KNEW I should stop. But, I talked myself out of it and kept running.
14 .......16:18 (2 min water stop; actual pace 14:18)
15 .......15:29 (I was really done at this point - chills were worse, and my hands were swelling)
Mistake #5 - I kept running
16 .......15:00
17 ....... complete crash.
And that was it. One of my pace group leaders called for someone to come get me. I even let peeps pour ice water on me. I was feeling that bad.
I was feeling worse that I couldn't make it the last mile. Phil (former Marine Sargent, now a police officer and pace group leader of group 1) picked me up in his police car which was cool. And he told me about last year when he had the same thing happen to him on the 23 mile run. He said he made it 17 miles and that was it. That made me feel a little better.
This was my first experience with heat exhaustion. And, hopefully my last. The rest of the day was boring - hydration, ice packs, etc. Oh yeah ... the hand swelling thing? My kidneys had shut down.
BUT, now everything is back to normal (body temp, kidney function, etc). And, I still feel really bad about not making it that last mile.
Race recaps
6 years ago
Holy cannoli! I'm glad you're okay. Can I kick the butt of that so called pace group leader?
If only it would do any good at all...
I'm glad you are doing better.
Definitely run with the slower group, and don't hesitate to cut them loose if they go too fast.
From now on I will be running with the slower group. I looked for them Saturday. Their pace is 1 min/mile slower than the group I was with. We should have passed them on our return trip; but, we were so far ahead of our pace, we never did.
So you are the one Chris wrote about and it was THAT pace group leader. She should be relieved of her duties as pace group leader. She is dangerous and weak. She cannot control her group and obviously does not want to. If she does not want to adhere to the Jeff Galloway method she does not have to, but she should also not be leading a Jeff Galloway pace group either. Surely she has been exposed after this incident. Surely you have provided your pace records to Chris. I am sitting here shaking my head and fuming mad about this. One of the goals in this training group is to be injury free, you nearly suffered more than just a tight IT band. From a practical stand point, you are not even getting what you paid for...
The silver lining is you will be back in the "Posse", a super fun group where you can be happy and healthy!!
I sent Chris the times from the 8 mile run that were 2 min/mile too fast. He already talked to them about maintaining the correct pace. As you can see, it did no good. I have given up on that group.
I will be happily running with you from now on. You all NEVER hurt me.
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