There are days when the running is wonderful in spite of everything. Last Thursday evening was one of those runs. It was hot and humid and my IT Band was still hurting. But, I had a great run. It was one of those stress-releasing, good for the soul runs that left me smiling into the next day.
And yesterday's run was good as well. We met at the beach before dawn and saw the sun rise over the ocean as we put in our 8 miles. It was beautiful. The camaraderie was excellent also.
So, those good runs along with support of friends and family keep me going through the tough times.
But, what really keeps me going is why I am training for this marathon in the 1st place.
It is for those who have fought cancer and survived. Donna Deegan is there with us every Saturday morning. Her spirit and courage inspire me to keep going.
And, it is for those who have fought cancer and died. John TenBroeck was there with us every Saturday morning until the end. That end came Friday, September 5, 2008. It was the physical end of his life, and many of us will miss him deeply. But, the things he set in motion such as founding the Jacksonville Track Club (now JTC Running) years ago, will keep area runners running for years to come.
Race recaps
6 years ago
"Arf! Arf! Aarf!"
(Linda's running buddy)
You are an inspiration yourself, Linda.
Thanks, Michele. That is very a very nice thing to say; but, totally undeserved.
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