Monday, February 2, 2009

Finding Balance

Not running for these past couple of weeks has made me painfully aware of something.

Running has taken over my life. At least the part of my life spent not working. It happened slowly and insidiously as the miles increased. And, as I transitioned from running alone into group running, it took over my social time as well.

"Not running" has made me really look at this, and evaluate just how big a part of my life I want running to be from this point forward.

I enjoy the friendships made through running and plan to keep them. But, there are other friendships (of the non-running kind) that I have put on hold for a while. I am re-establishing those now. I am meeting up with a group this week for dinner and a movie. We used to get together once a month. This past Fall, we only met once. Why? I was too busy.... running.

My family too has not had the best of me these past few months. The ever increasing long runs on Saturdays have left me too tired to do much of anything with them the rest of the weekend. And, the injuries have left me out of sorts.

I plan on continuing running for a long time to come. But, the focus is shifting. Running is not my life, just a part of it.


Anonymous said...

THIS IS NOT EASY IS IT! I have found myself in this place also. Around October I pretty much just realized that I was not being a good husband, employee, etc. because I was running to much (around 14 hours a week). I work a lot too, so for me to get off of work at 5 and run for three hours left my wife totally alone. I got no other house work done.

I felt the pressure/pinch of time management all the time. Anway, I have cut back. I am realizing that I can still run my marathons and ultramarathons on less running or more family/fun time doing other things. i have actually become a happier, healthier, and more well rounded person.

Great job on this balance realization, but I totally feel for you. It doesn't feel good to realize that you neglected other things nor does if feel good to cut back the running. But in the end if feels much much better having both the running and the other stuff.

Have a great day.
run4chang. Jason

Lindarx said...

I also work too much. It is the downside of an A-type personality, I'm afraid.

I don't really believe in New Year's Resolutions; but, if I did, mine would be to re-center.

Thanks for your encouragement as I try to bring my life more into balance. It's good to know someone else has struggled with this same issue.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to get that balance right, isn't it? Ken has been a rescue widower and a work widower, and now I'm a marathon widow.

Lindarx said...

Yes, it is difficult.

It is a non-stop juggling act. And, I am not that good at keeping everything up in the air at the same time.

It is time to let some things drop.

Jesse said...

You know Linda, I started running in order to spend more time with you, even though you tell me to stop talking when we run. (Legs don't fail me!)

Lindarx said...

Jesse, I only tell you to stop talking at around mile 10 (of a half-marathon). I'm good until that point.